What's Going On
You'll find copies of Los Cabos publications in hotels, restaurants, and bars all over the city. The most helpful are Los Cabos Visitors Guide and Los Cabos Magazine. Both provide a wealth of information on everything Los Cabos, from the restaurant, hotel, bar, and shopping scenes, to the many activities. The free English-language newspapers Gringo Gazette (www.gringogazette.com) and Destino: Los Cabos (www.destinomagazine.com) offer timely and cultural articles on the ever-changing scene. (We especially like the Gringo Gazette for its fun-loving, humorous look at expatriate life in Los Cabos.) The English-Spanish Los Cabos News (www.loscabosnews.com.mx) is also a good source for local event listings. These publications are available free at many hotels and stores or at racks on the sidewalk.