Quebec City
Scenic rivers and nearby mountains (no more than 30 minutes away by car) make Québec City a great place for exploring the outdoors.
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Scenic rivers and nearby mountains (no more than 30 minutes away by car) make Québec City a great place for exploring the outdoors.
Scenic rivers and nearby mountains (no more than 30 minutes away by car) make Québec City a great place for exploring the outdoors.
Scenic rivers and nearby mountains (no more than 30 minutes away by car) make Québec City a great place for exploring the outdoors.
There are over 100 km (60 miles) of fairly flat, well-maintained bike paths on Québec City's side of the St. Lawrence River and a similar amount...
Permits are needed for fishing in Québec. Most sporting-goods stores and all Walmart and Canadian Tire stores sell permits. A one-day fishing...
For centuries, dog sledding has been a part of the Canadian winter experience. Outfitters around Québec City generally offer excursions from...
The Québec City region has 18 golf courses, and most are open to the public. Reservations are essential in summer. Club de Golf Cap-Rouge...
Runners and foot soldiers have a choice of routes in areas like Battlefields Park, Cartier-Brébeuf, and along the waterfront in the city itself...
Ice-skating in Québec City is a popular pastime for locals and visitors alike. In addition to rinks in town, Village Vacances Valcartier (see...
Just outside the city, the Jacques-Cartier River (to the west) and Riviére Malbaie (to the east) both make for an easy white-water rafting day...
Skiing is very popular here, whether it's downhill on one of the mountains surrounding the city or cross-country in an urban park. A dynamic...
Québec is the birthplace of the snowmobile, and with 32,000 km (19,840 miles) of trails, it's one of the best places in the world for the sport...
The snow slide from Dufferin Terrace is easily one of the most exciting winter activities in Québec. Glissades de la Terrasse. A wooden...
Village Vacances Valcartier. The largest water park in Canada has a wave pool, a 1-km (½-mile) tropical-river adventure called the Amazon...
For three weekends in January and February, Québec City throws one of the biggest winter parties in the world. Each year, an Ice Palace is built...