Passports & Visas
Entering the United States
U.S. Embassy Visa Information Line. U.S. Embassy Visa Information Line for U.S. visa information. 01891/200290.
U.S. Embassy Visa Branch. U.S. Embassy Visa Branch for U.S. visa information; send a self-addressed, stamped envelope. 5 Upper Grosvenor Sq., London, Greater London, W1A 1AE.
U.S. Consulate General. Write to the U.S. Consulate General if you live in Northern Ireland. Queen's House, Queen St., Belfast, Co. Down, BTI 6EO.
Office of Australia Affairs. Write to the Office of Australia Affairs if you live in Australia. 59th fl., MLC Centre, 19–29 Martin Pl., Sydney, New South Wales, 2000.
Office of New Zealand Affairs. Write to the Office of New Zealand Affairs if you live in New Zealand. 29 Fitzherbert Terr., Thorndon, Wellington, Wellington.
Passport Offices
Australian Citizens
Australian Passport Office. 131–232;
Canadian Citizens
Passport Office. 819/994–3500; 800/567–6868;
New Zealand Citizens
New Zealand Passport Office. 04/494–0700; 04/474–8000; 0800/225–050;
U.K. Citizens
London Passport Office. London Passport Office for fees and documentation requirements and to request an emergency passport. 0990/210–410;
U.S. Citizens
National Passport Information Center. 900/225–5674;