Fodor's Expert Review Mount Yasur Volcano
One of the world's most accessible volcanoes, this fiery feature on the Island of Tanna is a must-see. Best viewed at dusk, the frequently erupting volcano is only a 15-minute walk from the parking area, and a two-hour drive from Tanna airport. Adventurous sightseers can walk right to the edge and peer in, but only on days when the danger level is rated sufficiently low. The volcano is most active in the wet season, from late February to April, and visiting at this time is often discouraged due to the chance of exploding lava and rocks. It's advised to stay two or more nights in Tanna (which is a 35-minute flight from Port Vila), as a day spent visiting the volcano can be exhausting. The volcano, however, is awesome. Its glow was what attracted Captain James Cook to the island in 1774. Most accommodations can arrange tours to the volcano by ute (pick-up truck) or small aircraft. Tour prices range from around $250 for a family of four by ute and around $400 for a flight with Unity... READ MORE
One of the world's most accessible volcanoes, this fiery feature on the Island of Tanna is a must-see. Best viewed at dusk, the frequently erupting volcano is only a 15-minute walk from the parking area, and a two-hour drive from Tanna airport. Adventurous sightseers can walk right to the edge and peer in, but only on days when the danger level is rated sufficiently low. The volcano is most active in the wet season, from late February to April, and visiting at this time is often discouraged due to the chance of exploding lava and rocks. It's advised to stay two or more nights in Tanna (which is a 35-minute flight from Port Vila), as a day spent visiting the volcano can be exhausting. The volcano, however, is awesome. Its glow was what attracted Captain James Cook to the island in 1774. Most accommodations can arrange tours to the volcano by ute (pick-up truck) or small aircraft. Tour prices range from around $250 for a family of four by ute and around $400 for a flight with Unity Airlines. Tanna Evergreen ( is one of the most recommended tour operators.