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International Drivers Permit required for rentals?

International Drivers Permit required for rentals?

Old May 15th, 2024, 06:58 PM
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In terms of the validity of insurance coverage, with or without an IDP, it seems to me that the rental agreement is the prime document. If the agency has you sign the contract, it means they have accepted your documents.
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Old May 20th, 2024, 10:25 PM
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OP, did you have any issues?

Well, by now OP should be able to relate his/her experience with renting a car? OP, how did it go?
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Old May 21st, 2024, 02:04 AM
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After reading this entire thread, how could you possibly think the OP's response would have any utility?

'I've never had to show it to rent a car"
"I did have to show it once"
"It doesn't matter if you need to show it to rent a car but you're required to show it if you're stopped by the police."

"The police asked to see it"
"The police didn't ask to see it"

"If you have an accident, your insurance will be invalidated unless you have the IDP"
"It shouldn't invalidate your insurance if the rental agency allowed you to rent it without an IDP."

My granddaughter recently came to visit me in Italy. I had told her she could drive my car if she got an IDP. She was unable to get one because AAA had run out of the blank booklets. So she got one of those online ones that are not real IDPs. It was an obvious fake, which cost her $40 and which was missing crucial information, such as the need for corrective lenses. I regretfully told her she couldn't drive my car. When it's my own car and my own insurance, I prefer to err on the side of caution. I don't understand why anyone would decide otherwise.
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