Learn to use the London Tube by playing "Mornington Crescent". Watch and learn...
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Learn to use the London Tube by playing "Mornington Crescent". Watch and learn...
For those of you who aren't British, Mornington Crescent is a game played on the radio, making it ideal for playing on the interweb.<BR><BR>It uses the stations of London's tube system in a game of cunning and strategy. The rules are quite simple (although the version that the radio pros play has more complex variants). It will soon become obvious if you watch what is going on.<BR><BR>You may need a tube map to follow it. You can find one at www.thetube.co.uk<BR><BR>Mornington Crescent is on the Northern Line, just south of Camden Town.<BR><BR>I hope that some of our other British correspondents will join in and introduce you to this simple pleasure, which will certainly enhance your experience of London.<BR><BR>I will go first (I know this isn't strictly conventional but it will get the ball rolling).<BR><BR>I propose we play the standard Arbuthnot rules, with all gambits and passes enabled.<BR><BR>So to start, with a neutral non confrontational choice:<BR><BR>Ladbroke Grove.<BR><BR>Over to you.
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Elephant and Castle will work as we are allowing all gambits and passes (although in the complex variants it would be considered counter-clockwise and frankly a bit naive).<BR><BR>Anyone care to take it on from here?<BR><BR>And if you can't follow it you should look at a tube map <BR><BR>(I should have said that it is against the rules for the competitors to have access to a map, they have to rely on their memories, which is part of the game).
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Hey clueless people, it's from BBC Radio 4's 'Sorry I Haven't a Clue' show (which is unfortunately off the air right now, or else you could listen to clips online . . . )<BR><BR>Get the finer points of the rules at<BR>http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A769395<BR><BR>And, in a zen-like move, may I suggest<BR><BR>West Acton<BR><BR>cheers dears<BR>= )
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As stated in the original post, we are playing Arbuthnot's protocols so, naturally blocking is allowed, indeed actively encouraged.<BR><BR>Although I would point to what happened when Sheila introduced the Jubilee Line Extension and the game ground to a halt.